
Showing posts from 2017

Ultimate Reset Results: Why this makes me happy and sad...

I completed the Ultimate Reset! I did not cheat even once. I was surprised by the fact that I had none of the expected detoxing symptoms like other people have explained to me (headaches, feeling sick, fatigue, etc.). I felt great the entire time, but I got to see what ADDICTION feels like. I would say I have a food addiction. Especially with chocolate (and desserts in general) and coffee. Despite KNOWING for certain that I was not hungry, it was such a strong urge to fight. It was HARD. When I finished yesterday, I was near tears. It was the same feeling that runners might know when they've crossed the finish line. The feeling that you've worked hard for a long time to get to that point and the feeling of achievement. As I continued through the 21 Days, I lost weight. I was at a healthy weight and BMI and I have been generally eating well and working out for the past almost 2 years. I stayed around the 145-150 weight range during the past year - a plateau. ...

For working moms that have no time to read this...

For whatever reason, and I have my theories, my 2 brothers and I have worked very hard to become successful in our careers. I have always been hungry for my work life. I have always known that I would continue up the next ladder rung. I want to tell you that I have really struggled the past 4 months (October-January). I have struggled with anxiety and being overwhelmed. Not because of stress from work, but I have struggled with career decisions and my overall direction. I have struggled with just not feeling like I have done enough, personally and professionally. Somehow through it all, I've kept my eyes on You. No, I'm not talking to the reader of this blog. :) I've done a lot of reflecting and learning over the past few weeks and I finally have peace. I have defined what success looks like for me in a "top 10 list," and it has made all the weight lift off my shoulders. SUCCESS = 1. Remembering that everything is exactly how it should be accord...

The 6 Week Imperfect Transition Challenge

It has been quite a while since I have blogged, but there was just so much to say about my upcoming FREE Challenge Group that I could not include it all in a simple social media post! Did you ever say any of these things to yourself: "I'm tired of starting over with my diet." "I keep giving up on the workout plan." "I ate something that I shouldn't have, so now my whole day/week is ruined." "I need a total lifestyle change." "I am failing because I can't do the workout like they do." "I just can't stick with a strict diet." If any of those thoughts have crossed your mind, it is totally normal! No one is perfect. If there is one thing that I've learned over the past year, it is that life is about the climb and the reflection at the top. We need to forgive ourselves for expecting to reach the unattainable, but SHOULD still continue to set those crazy, scary goals. Do not just give up and beli...